Your Money Questions Answered Learning Modules

From payment options to savings and debt, teens have money questions. With new interactive learning modules built just for them, teens can gain the money knowledge and skills they need — and develop financial independence along the way. This series is brought to you by JA with support from our national development partner, Neo Financial™.
Jump to One of the Learning Modules Below:
Module 1: How do I pay for things?
Dive into this introductory digital learning experience and discover how to pay for things! Differentiate between various payment methods and discover how to make informed decisions when choosing a payment method. Start your journey to becoming independent with your money by watching the introductory video and participating in the interactive learning module below.
Duration: Complete this module in 30 minutes or less
Learning Objectives – By the end of this module, students will:
- Explain and differentiate between various methods of payment
- Make informed decisions about choosing the most appropriate payment method for different situations
- Manage their own money in a responsible way
Module 2: How can I have money for the things I need?
Ready to learn about how you can better manage your money? Take the next step with this digital learning experience to explore the difference between needs and wants and how you can have money for the things you need while saving for the things you want.
Duration: Complete this module in 30 minutes or less
Learning Objectives – By the end of this module, students will:
- Explain and differentiate between needs and wants
- Identify how to set and achieve short-term and long-term financial goals
- Recognize how utilizing tools such as high-interest savings accounts and features in mobile apps can maximize savings
Module 3: How can I keep my money safe?
As you work towards financial independence, safeguarding your money is a priority! In this digital learning experience you can explore how to find reliable financial information, identify fraudulent credit and loan opportunities, protect your financial details, and embrace your consumer rights and responsibilities.
Duration: Complete this module in 30 minutes or less
Learning Objectives – By the end of this module, students will:
- Recognize trustworthy sources of financial information
- Identify warning signs and how to protect personal and financial information from fraudulent activities
- Define the rights and responsibilities of consumers when engaging in financial transactions
Module 4: What do I need to know about credit?
As you prepare for your financial future, get ready to explore the world of credit in this digital learning experience! Learn about the different types of credit, how to build and maintain good credit, and tips on how to use credit cards responsibly.
Duration: Complete this module in 30 minutes or less
Learning Objectives – By the end of this module, students will:
- Explain what credit is and identify the different types of credit that are available
- Describe how credit cards function, how to read credit card statements and calculate compound interest
- Identify decisions and behaviours that support responsible credit use